Deohaeko Support Network is pleased to present Charitable Gaming. Community Good. This new brand name and logo represents the good works in part that happen locally as a result of our participation in Charitable Gaming through Delta Bingo & Gaming Pickering.

Somcan Canada through their Charitable Foundation sponsored a Silent Auction on behalf of Deohaeko Support Network from November 18 to December 5 2019.
At a cheque presentation held at Somcan’s office on December 20th Jay Davis, President of Somcan presented a cheque in the amount of $10.000.00 to Board members of Deohaeko Support Network.
Helen Dionne, Past President of Deohaeko Support Network thanked Jay and his Staff in supporting our Organization with this Wonderful Gift.

Deohaeko Support Network also received a cheque from Delta Bingo, Pickering at their AGM, the Cheque in the amount of $46.460.00 represents the cheque amount received from Delta Bingo for the year 2019.

Deohaeko Support Network has been a Proud Member of Delta Bingo Pickering for over 20 years.

Thank you for giving Deohaeko Support Network the opportunity to be part of the Delta Bingo, Pickering, Family of Charitable Organizations.

Receiving the recognition plaque is Jay Davies/President of Somcan – from Deohaeko Support Network for the funds raised from the Silent Auction.

Rob & Janet enjoying Lynde Shores
John at the build site
Baby shower at Tiffany's
Rob S.
Tiffany with her mother Linda
Tiffany at her birthday party
Tiffany at the Art Guild Annual General Meeting
Rougemount looking westward
Rougemount looking eastward
Rougemount Front Entrance
Deohaeko Board of Directors
Rougemount Board in 1994
Linda, Janet, Elizabeth, Helen
Jon at work 'shreddin'
Jon at work
John with the family
John at work
Brenda at home
Deohaeko Mission 1993 Families
Donna and Matthew celebrating a birthday
Donna and Matthew
Donna at the piano
Caroline as a teaching assistant
Brenda's birthday party
Caroline and Rick
Brenda and Mom Elizabeth
Belly dancing party